
The Residency Program

winners of civtech residency

The CivTechSA Residency Program is an open invitation to startups as defined in the application. This means startups that have been incorporated for less than 5 years with fewer than 10 employees and are actively working towards innovation, development, deployment, and the commercialization of new products and/or services driven by tech or intellectual property, and have less than $2 million run rate.

The Entrepreneur Program

civtech entrepreneur

As entrepreneurs solve civic challenges through Geekdom’s CivTechSA Program, they become directly involved with the City of San Antonio (COSA). This connection fosters the local startup ecosystem and promotes small businesses in San Antonio. This collaboration between entrepreneurs, CivTechSA and COSA, grows civically-minded tech talent in San Antonio while overcoming common civic challenges.

The Education Program

Civtech education

As students solve civic challenges through Geekdom’s CivTechSA Program, they become directly involved with the City of San Antonio (COSA) to solve real-world civic problems and gain necessary skills for their future. This collaboration between students, CivTechSA and COSA, grows civically-minded tech talent in San Antonio while overcoming common civic challenges.

Our Impact


Events Held
in Two Years


Event Attendees
in Two Years


City Depts Involved


Civic Challenges Solved

The Civic Challenges

In the first year of CivTechSA, COSA canvased departments to identify civic issues and put them into a Civic Problem Bank. Through rigorous scoring, COSA selected several civic challenges for the Residency Program. The remaining civic challenges were distributed throughout the 6-12TH Grade and University-level Educational Programs as well as the Entrepreneur Program.


Additional challenges will be released for the program’s second year. Stay tuned for more information.

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